We at Arizona Priority Care strive to support the health and well-being of every Medicare Advantage member. We do this by making it as simple as possible for you to get access to the care you need and is covered by your Medicare benefits.
One of the services that Medicare asks each beneficiary to obtain is an in-depth health assessment each year. This assessment consists of a one-on-one visit with your Primary Care Physician. The visit lasts a little less than an hour. If you prefer, Arizona Priority Care can send a Nurse Practitioner to your home to conduct this consultation. A copy of the report from the visit will be sent directly to your Primary Clinician to keep them informed and allows them to make any necessary changes to your healthcare.
The in-depth health assessment is one of most important services recommended by Medicare. It is a one-on-one visit that lasts 45-60 minutes. This visit will provide you with:
- An opportunity to ask questions and discuss your health concerns.
- A complete review of your medications and related instructions on how to take them as prescribed by your doctor.
- Services that help complete your recommended preventive health screenings.
- Appropriate referrals to care managers, social workers, dietitians or pharmacists.